Sunday, November 1, 2009


Hello and welcome everyone! A VIEWPOINT...a "bipolar" viewpoint. For years and years I have been impressed and motivated by men, women and children who are physically or mentally challenged. It began when I saw a blind man selling his wares on a street corner every day, rain or shine. In my twenties I played alot of fast pitch softball and we had a guy who was our catcher,
who had one arm and hit close to 300. The young woman gymnastist trying to make the 1984
olympic team; she didn't make the team, She had one arm. The 83 year old woman who rode
her bike every day to the swimming pool. She is a diabetic besides. The 94 year old woman in
my fitness class, would not miss a class. The 75 year old woman in another class, needs a
"walker" and does everything in the class. She has a 160 average on the local bowling team.
The woman in a motorized wheel chair, forging her way through ice and snow to do her shopping.
A dear friend of mine, in a wheel chair for 18 months. Had a service dog pulling her wheel chair
to do her shopping. This list could go on and on. I am so overwhelmed by the accomplishments
of these people that I can't find a single word to describe my feelings, the impact they have had
on my life. Webster needs to add a word just for them and all the physically and mentally
challenged people.

The opposite end...there exists an indifferent attitude with these people. If you don't care
enough about your own body...your life...what does that say about your feelings toward others.
Get up! Get up! Get up! Do something! No excuses, no whining. Perhaps the greatest threat
to our health is a lack of movement.'s a matter of life or death. Decision day is today.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

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