Saturday, February 6, 2010


Hello and welcome everyone! My previous two blogs covered the topic of "speed." Two weeks
from now I will delve deeper into that subject, relying on my continued and objective research.
Today however, I want to bring to light things that I see and things that I see relative to fitness
and training. As I observe people working out, they "butterfly" from one end of the workout
room to another. There is no system or pattern or organized design...jumping from one machine
to another. Here a simple solution...1) have a written design. 2) Decide on a) cardio, b) upper
body, c) lower body. Select one one for each workout. Do not hurry through the workout. Watch
what others are doing with each technique and exercise. ASK if you don't know how.

What I hear...getting feedback from the participants in my "Balance Your Life" class. "I didn't
realize that I would get muscle toning from your class." "I get more cardio benefit from your class (in 7 minutes) than any other class." "My balance was better after the second session."
" My confidence was at a higher level." "I feel better about myself." Those comments should be
heard regarding any fitness program. And all of the 371 participants in my classes...
thank you for helping me become a better teacher and to be on target with your needs. It's
not about me, it's about you and always will be.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

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