Sunday, May 16, 2010


Hello and welcome everyone! Last week we talked about the importance of muscle confusion
in attaining your fitness goals. Today let's discuss "fitness buyer confusion." I am bombarded
and overwhelmed with supplement info. It's one thing to select a product, and then to select a
manufacturer. Let's say you want to increase your endurance and have faster recovery. You will
find (estimate) at the very least, 50 different products...and each product will have at least 50
"makers" of said product. In addition, you pick up a muscle magazine and see heavy advertising
by a certain product and "maker." Guess what...that maker also "owns" the magazine. Now add
weight loss supplements to the mix. Even if you majored in math...there's a whole lot of numbers
to mentally digest. And you think you are going to select the perfect one. Good luck! WARNING...buyer beware. Everyone is in a hurry to "get it." Before you waste your money,
consult with a nutritionist or/and pharmacist to help. Why? Because your health is at stake.
In June I will be going in for my semi-annual physical and I want certain blood tests taken.
I want to know what exactly what I need. There is only one supplement that I can count on...
that's StemEhance.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

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