Sunday, September 16, 2012


Hello and welcome everyone...setting goals is common place in
today's society...from the beginning of time for that matter. And
New Year's resolutions occupy the time for many. However, too
many of us fall short in reaching our desination. Not reaching goals is often times looked upon as failure. What about those who
reach their goals? That can be just as bad, and here's why. The goal
becomes a ceiling...and we stop there. Unless and until we remove
the ceilings, we set up barriers. Goals must be stepping stones to an
unending vision of where we want to be. Goals are a phase of attainment and the surge for something greater. Your destination
should be a "moving target." UPWARD! Every phase of training/
workouts should be examined. I teach "skill development" to
athletes and nonathletes. I am in awe, a group of women that are in
my pickleball class. Against all odds, they have succeeded to a
very high level of play. Their mindset "I am going to do it." And
they do. Preteen kids are out to break records that haven't even
been set yet. Think about that!

Have a meaningful life everyone...JimmyO

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