Saturday, September 14, 2013


Hello and welcome response to your requests, today I
will address "hard abs." Without sit ups and crunches! Here we go.
Hold a 20, 30, 40, 50 lb weight in both hands in front of you with
elbows slightly bent. Tighten stomach muscles and walk 10m.
Hold the weight waist high. Do three sets. Then do three sets holding weights shoulder high. You must keep stomach muscles
tightened. Next, do three more sets moving weights up and down
waist high to shoulder high. Yes, you will be giving your forearms
and shoulders a workout also. Next, walk up a stairs while holding
weight in front of you and repeat what you did on flat ground. Next, sit on floor with hands at your sides and starting at your knees, lean back to about 90 degrees and hold for count of 20 or
30 sec. Do three sets. Next, using an overhead bar that is stationary,
with  straps around your ankles, hanging by your ankles, come up
and reach over your toes and hold for count of 20 sec. Do five sets.
Next, do kangaroo hops. No weights. Hop for 10m. Three sets. As
you hop, the higher you raise your arms, with elbows bent, the
better your results. Remember, keep stomach muscles tightened
as long as you can. There you have it...hard abs.

Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

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