Sunday, September 22, 2013


Hello and welcome is time. Time to measure you.
Most things in life are measured by time and distance. Then there
is the relationship thing I refer to connections. My question to you,
"what is your relationship to yourself?" "Do you trust yourself or do you bail out?" There are tons of fitness and health programs out
there. A few are good, most are bad. Just check your wallet and you
will agree with me. It's a Billion dollar a year business. You and I
have thrown out "half used" products. Yes, all of us have been
caught up in the "presto" mind set. You and I need to go through
the school of Hard Knox, Throw out all those imposters. It is time
to start over. My father used to tell me, " whenever you tell a story,
always start at the beginning." Begin with this...see what you can do on your own. No supplements and no purchased video. This
is on you. Do what you feel you need and you will be right. I
did this quite some time ago and the results were great. We all
look for an edge. The school of hard knox will serve you well.

Have a great life everyone...Jimmy O

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