Saturday, October 31, 2015

Tribute to Women

Hello and welcome everyone...followers of my writings in Social Media and blogging are fully aware of my Hero Tribute to men, women and children who have achieved a measure of greatness against all odds. October is dedicated to the fight against Breast Cancer...women who have faced or lived with breast cancer. I admire your courage in facing and overcoming the mental and physical suffering...for so many in silence, alone. As a prostate cancer survivor, I fully understand and feel the word HOPE. Remission and survivor for many are temporary words. In my weekly talks to cancer patients, survivors and caregivers, I hear the word terminal all too often. You have experienced life defining, life changing moments. Understand women...your courage, your cause,
has motivated others beyond your circle, that you may never know. So today, extend your arms, embrace your beauty...give someone a hug. Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

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