Saturday, June 23, 2018


Welcome everyone...about once every 3 mon. I do drills out of  my regular routine. If you attempt this make sure you warm up with the same motion as the upcoming workout. Here goes...rock climbing. Many places today have indoor climbing. 60 min. Rope climbing. Vertical for 25 ft. Use a tree. Rope walking w/hands. Like an old fashioned monkey bar, which will work also. Using a rope, tie each end to a tree or poles. Make sure your feet don't touch the ground. At least 25 ft. across. 45 min. Tarzan...swing from one tree to another and land on the opposite tree. Next, swinging slow, while swinging bring knees up to your chest as many as you can. 30 min. Last, sprinting on sand for at least 20m. Forward and backwards. 60 min. Expected results...stronger quads and hams. Results expected from other drills...endurance, upper body strength, increased sense of balance, mental alertness, increase in oxygen and lung capacity. Jimmy O. 

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