Sunday, July 15, 2012

30% LOSS

Hello and welcome everyone...can you feel the heat. Take your mind off the in on your workout and what you want to accomplish. In this hot weather, stretch more, not less. Humid
weather can cause as much as 30% loss in muscle power and
schrinkage. Water alone is not enough. Your body needs electrolytes, nutrients and potassium and salt. Try quart of water,  1/2 teas. of salt, 1/2 teas. of baking soda and 3 tesa. of sugar...add a little of your favorite juice or a little lemon juice if
you need flavoring. After your workout, drink a glass of skim or
1% choc. milk or almond or coconut choc. milk. Recover faster.
All of the above will help eliminate or greatly reduce cramping.
Stay will be glad you did.

Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

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