Sunday, April 1, 2018


Welcome and Happy does one get from point A to point B? Over the past 100 years that path has been zig zag. There are 100's of exercises, "machines" methods to achieve, coaching styles and then add supplements and on top of all that, add the billions of dollars spent on adds. About 10% of the above actually work. The word game, packaging, pics showing "false" results. The billions spent on all of the above, it's estimated only 17% is used. Just in home purchases of "machinery" alone, 85% stands idle collecting cobwebs and dust. 27% of purchases remain in the box, never opened. So much for intent. Let's go back 100 years. Men and women made their own. For starters, rocks, leather straps, blacksmith's designed weights. Many of  today's  track and field events did not exist. In the early days working out, weight  (heavy)lifting racing was forbidden for women. Today women are more tuned into working out, getting and staying in shape than men. In my fitness classes women out number men by 10 to 1. We need to get back to designing some of our own methods and ways of getting results. Research before you buy. Next blog...getting cut w/
makeshift equip.

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